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Grato Pela Atenção

domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2009

Music of the Heart 1999 - DvDRip - Xvid

A popular and innovative violin teacher at mostly black and Hispanic elementary schools in New York City is laid off due to budget cuts. The teacher refuses to accept her fate and fade away. She and the parents of her students band together to raise money to pay her salary. Can they succeed? Will the public take notice and support their efforts? Or are these children doomed to be deprived of their beloved teacher and their hope for an education in music? The film was inspired by the achievements of Roberta Guaspari and her students in the East Harlem Violin Program.


Tamanho: 691 MB
Resolução: 352 x 264
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Formato: DVDRip
Qualidade de Audio: 9
Qualidade de Vídeo: 9
Codec do Vídeo: Xvid
Codec do Áudio: MPEG Audio Layer
Idioma: Inglês

Download: Megaupload

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